Curriculum for Wales Framework
‘We are Brigidine’

Our School’s Vision…
St. Brigid's is more than just a school; we are a community which strives for the best for every one of our members. We are very proud of our 3-19 school, which has a strong Catholic ethos and tradition, and high standards. St Brigid’s School is beautifully situated on the outskirts of Denbigh, a medieval walled town, set in the grounds of an early-Victorian house, surrounded by parkland. We provide a secure, family-oriented environment, and deliver a rich and diverse curriculum. We are well-supported by our governors and have an active School Association. We live in changing times and this means providing a well-rounded education that prepares young people for life; we seek to build on our past whilst looking to the future.
We follow in our rich tradition as a former Brigidine Convent, and we maintain strong links with the Brigidine Sisters to this day. We have a strong legacy in developing our students in Drama and the Arts, as well as a rich academic tradition; our examination results and university outcomes speak for themselves.

We strive to provide high-quality education for all of our pupils, enhanced by the caring and positive ethos of our school. We pride ourselves on Christian family values and we recognise the development of the whole person. We seek 'to inspire and be inspired' through 'Respect, Love, Faith, Truth and Excellence'.

Our School’s Values and Our Behaviours
We are Knowledge-Seekers…
We are curious and courageous.
We are Truth-Tellers
We are Honest, Kind and Reliable.
We are Joy-Bringers…
We are Creative, Artistic, Encouraging and Enthused.
We are Game-Changers…
We are Resilient, Confident and Determined.
We Inspire and are Inspired…

The new Curriculum and Assessment (Wales) Act 2021 requires that the Welsh Ministers issue three Codes that must form the basis of curriculum and assessment arrangements in every school and setting subject to the Act.
The Act also requires Welsh Ministers to keep the Codes under review and as necessary develop updates.
The Codes are:
•the statements of what matters code
•the relationships and sexuality education code
The Curriculum for Wales Four Purposes are the heart and core of St.Brigid’s School’s curriculum
They underpin all aspects of our curriculum design, planning and teaching. Our vision and values as a school support the Four Purposes and we summarise below what they mean for us. Our learning experiences and teaching methods will always aim for this.
Ambitious, capable learners ... who are ready to learn throughout their lives, and who:
•set high standards for themselves
•enjoy challenge and solve problems
•develop knowledge and skills and apply them in different contexts
•are able to discuss their learning confidently
•Are able to communicate effectively in English and Welsh
•use mathematics and numeracy and digital technologies effectively
Ethical, informed citizens ... who are ready to be citizens of Wales and the world, and who:
•make judgments and discuss issues based on their knowledge and values
•understand and exercise their responsibilities human rights
•understand and consider the impact of their actions
•know about their culture and community,
•know about society and the world in the present and past
•respect the needs and rights of others, as a member of a diverse society
•see that they have a role to play to ensure the planet's sustainability
Enterprising, creative contributors ... who willing to play a full part in life and work and who:
•think creatively
•apply their knowledge and skills to create, adapt and to solve problems
•identify and grasp opportunities
•Are confident to take risks
•lead and work together in teams
•express ideas and emotions in different ways
•use their energy and skills for the benefit of others
Healthy, confident individuals ... willing to lead fulfilling lives as valued members of society, and who develop:
•physical and mental health and safety,
•relationships based on respect and trust
•personal values
•skills and independence to deal with everyday life
•the ability to face and overcome challenges
Excellent Teaching is essential, if St. Brigid’s is to realise our Brigidine Learner Profile which has the Four Purposes at its very core, and the requirements of the new Curriculum framework.
Our effective curriculum will help us achieve these aims, especially when it:
Is based on collaboration with pupils’ main educators at home and within and between schools, the community and a range of partners
Promotes high quality lifelong learning
Increases participation and raises achievement, creating opportunity and success for all
Is inclusive and values and rewards the contribution of all children and young people
Supports economic regeneration, the Welsh agenda, and contributes to the provision of cultural and spiritual opportunities and to the improvement of health, well-being and the quality of life
Reflects the 7 key aims of ‘Children’s Right to Action’
Promote the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils at the school and of society, and;
Prepare pupils for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life.
Enjoy lifelong learning
The 12 Pedagogical Principles
focus on achieving the four purposes
challenges all learners by encouraging them to recognise the importance of sustained effort in meeting expectations that are high but achievable for them.
use a range of teaching methods
develop problem-solving, creative and critical thinking skills.
build on previous knowledge and experience and engage interest
creates authentic contexts for learning
employing assessment for learning principles
extends within and across areas of learning
reinforces the cross-curricular skills of literacy, numeracy and digital competence.
develops learners to take increasing responsibility for their own learning and develop independent learners.
promote social and emotional development and positive relationships
encourages collaboration

At St. Brigid’s School, we constantly reflect upon, share and develop our teaching practices, based upon the understanding of the 12 Pedagogical Principles set out in the Curriculum Framework. The school is a learning organization. This means that we constantly research and learn about effective teaching and value professional learning and research-based practice to develop and improve our teaching skills.
At St. Brigid’s School, we also plan to ensure that our provision and teaching develops the integral skills (see right) which are essential for our learners to achieve the Four Purposes.
Creativity and innovation
Inquire, explore, be curious, create and share ideas
Link experiences, knowledge and skills
Critical thinking and problem solving
Question and evaluate information and situations
Identify problems and suggest different solutions
Make decisions objectively
Personal Effectiveness
Develop emotional intelligence, confidence and independence
Evaluate and discuss their current learning and next steps
Appreciate the value of and celebrate mistakes
Discuss and consider their views and values, and their ethical, social, cultural implications
Planning and organization
Set goals for their learning and discuss and reflect on their progress

When planning at St.Brigid’s, emphasis is placed on offering our learners high quality rich, broad and deep learning experiences. This means giving learners the time to acquire, practice and apply knowledge and skills to embed their learning and not to rush through work to ‘achieve content’. This lays a solid foundation for the next stages of their learning and means that they build on their learning and progress through time here.’
Mrs L. Crimes
Stimulating Opportunities
Learners will have a strong influence on their learning. The developmental needs of our learners and their interests will be considered.
Teachers will plan and deliver exciting, creative and progressive learning experiences that challenge learners across all AOLEs. A range of methods will be used including direct teaching in areas such as phonics and multidisciplinary methods with a cross curricular and or practical approach.

Learning Outdoors
Outdoor learning within our St Brigid’s woodland and involvement in community projects will develop and embed the Four Purposes and Brigidine Learner Profile across our curriculum from an early age. Learners will have a range of authentic, fun and exciting experiences supporting a healthy way of living and developing.
Learners will be encouraged to reflect the Brigidine legacy in all that they do; their spiritual development will be enriched through weekly visits to our school chapel and collective worship. They will have opportunities to engage with the wider Catholic community and work in collaboration with CAFOD.
Health and Wellbeing
We firmly believe in this school that ensuring and maintaining learners' willingness to learn is key. To this end we welcome the equal emphasis on all Areas of Learning and Experience and that this includes Health and Wellbeing.
The school will continue to develop its expertise in this area as a ‘Nurture School ‘ and a Trauma Informed school ‘ and use of programs such as 'Elsa' 'Seasons for Growth’ and ‘ Mind Mechanics’. We also constantly evolve classroom climate, Growth Mindset and Learning Powers. The school's work with families and outside agencies will also support this.
Cross-Curricular Skills
Literacy, Numeracy and Digital Competence is a statutory responsibility across all Areas of Learning and Experience. We fully realize the importance of ensuring our learners digital competence in order to prepare them for future life and work.
We therefore pay close attention to this when planning learning experiences and when planning for learners’ progress. We will plan plenty of opportunities for them to acquire, practice and apply these important skills and to embed them.
Families and Community
Working with parents/carers and the community is very important to us here at St. Brigid’s School.
The school will continue to develop this relationship through our parenting support programs and through our links with local businesses.
Enjoying Learning
The most important thing for us in planning is to ensure that learners enjoy in their learning and have fun. So, we work hard to ensure that:
•the learning experiences are interesting and stimulating
•that our teaching and working relationships with our learners inspire enthusiasm and enjoyment
The 6 Areas of Learning and Experience
The Curriculum for Wales gives us the freedom to design our own content based on:
6 Areas of Learning and Experience and their What Matters Statements
Cross Curricular Skills Development
5 Cross-Cutting Themes
Conceptual Understanding,
Using symbols, Fluency,
Logical reasoning, Strategic competence.
Welsh, English, Spanish.
Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Computer Science, Design and Technology.
Art, Music and Drama
Physical health and development, Mental health, Emotional and social wellbeing.
Geography, History, Religion, Values and Ethics
Literacy, Numeracy & Digital Competence
We will plan for the development of the following cross-curricular skills within and across the Areas of Learning and Experience using the revised national frameworks.
Relationships and sexuality education
Human Rights education and the united Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child ( UNCRC)
Careers and work-related experience
Local, National and International Context
Cross-Cutting Themes
What Matters Statements for the 6 Areas of Learning and Experience
Mathematics and Numeracy
The number system is used to represent and compare relationships between numbers and quantities.
Algebra uses symbol systems to express the structure of mathematical relationships.
Geometry focuses on relationships involving shape, space and position, and measurement focuses on quantifying phenomena in the physical world.
Statistics represent data, probability models chance, and both support informed inferences and decisions
Languages, Literacy & Communication
Languages connect us.
Understanding languages is key to understanding the world around us.
Expressing ourselves through languages is key to communication.
Literature fires imagination and inspires creativity.
Science and Technology
Being curious and searching for answers is essential to understanding and predicting phenomena.
Design thinking and engineering offer technical and creative ways to meet society’s needs and wants.
The world around us is full of living things which depend on each other for survival.
Matter and the way it behaves defines our universe and shapes our lives.
Forces and energy provide a foundation for understanding our universe.
Computation is the foundation for our digital world
Expressive Arts
Exploring the expressive arts is essential to developing artistic skills and knowledge and it enables learners to become curious and creative individuals
Responding and reflecting, both as artist and audience, is a fundamental part of learning in the expressive arts
Creating combines skills and knowledge, drawing on the senses, inspiration and imagination
Health and Well-being
Developing physical health and well-being has lifelong benefits.
How we process and respond to our experiences affects our mental health and emotional well-being.
Our decision-making impacts on the quality of our own lives and the lives of others.
How we engage with social influences shapes who we are, and affects our health and well-being.
Healthy relationships are fundamental to our well-being.
Developing physical health and well-being has lifelong benefits.
How we process and respond to our experiences affects our mental health and emotional well-being.
Our decision-making impacts on the quality of our own lives and the lives of others.
How we engage with social influences shapes who we are, and affects our health and well-being.
Healthy relationships are fundamental to our well-being.
Assessment and Progression
We use the Descriptions of Learning for each What Matters Statement to assess and plan for learners' progress.
These broadly correspond to expectations for ages 5, 8, 11, 14 and 16 and offer guidance on how learners should demonstrate progress within each Statement.
These are not used as a list of tick boxes, but as tools to consider when planning for our learners' progress.
In addition, there are Principles of Progression that underpin our planning for learners' progress across the fields over time
Principles of Progression
Increasing breadth and depth of knowledge
Deepening understanding of the ideas and disciplines in the Areas
Refinement and growing sophistication in the use and application of skills
Making connections and transferring learning into new contexts
Increasing effectiveness
The Curriculum for Wales gives us the opportunity to ensure that learners' progress is the primary purpose of Assessment and not an accountability exercise. To this end, we at St. Brigid's School place a premium on developing a holistic picture of each learner's development, including their well-being, readiness and desire to learn as well as the development of their skills, knowledge and understanding. We emphasize the importance of ensuring a shared understanding of progress across the school and cluster and on regular discussions with parents and carers to discuss their child’s progress.
The school will fulfil the Curriculum’s Assessment Purposes as follows:
1.Support individual learners on a daily basis
Formative assessment of consistently high quality in the day-to-day classroom provides learners and practitioners with a clear picture of attainment and next steps.
2. Identifying, capturing and reflecting on individual learner progress over time and 3. Understanding group progress in order to reflect on practice
Practitioners are given specific and regular periods to discuss the progress and needs of learners and specific groups of learners through professional dialogue in order to plan for further progress. Such discussions will also facilitate and facilitate any transfer and transition between classes and schools.
Formative use is made of national and standardized tests e.g. PASS and CATs as required in these discussions.
Regular discussions are held with learners and their parents / carers to discuss progress involving external agencies when necessary.

An Example Overview of our Middle School’s Curriculum Design Elements in Action.
Most of the learning experiences at St. Brigid’s School will be based on a Big Question or Theme.
For example, Year 7 AOLEs will be exploring Identity and Belonging, in the Autumn Term.
We feel it is important for learners to receive quality learning opportunities, so as to ensure that they leave us with the self-confidence to succeed and overcome future challenges. We also aim to develop for our learners, a sound knowledge and appreciation of their locality (Cynefin) combined with an awareness of everyone's right to education and the challenges facing some young people across the world.
These Big Questions or Themes, also provide exciting opportunities to develop cross-curricular skills, Literacy, Numeracy and Digital Competence within and across the 6 Areas of Learning and Experience.
More detailed planning by AOLE or combination of AOLEs will support this overview. The 'What Matters Statements' and 'Descriptions of Learning' will be used to ensure learners' progress in each area so that learners are challenged and supported to achieve to the best of their ability. The different elements will be taught using different teaching approaches as needed.
On the following pages are examples of possible content for Year 7. The 'Big Questions’ asked here are ‘Who are We?’ and 'How does our Past Shape our Future?’.
Assessment strategies are constantly used to ensure learners' progress in the 6 AOLEs.
Religion Values and Ethics
As St. Brigid’s School is a voluntary aided school, the Religion, Values and Ethics Act requires our curriculum to make provision for teaching and learning in respect of RVE that accords with the school’s Christian ethos with a Roman Catholic tradition.
As a voluntary aided school with a religious character, we have a holistic RVE curriculum, which includes the central Catholic doctrines and values, and also examines broader religious and non-religious worldviews.

The change from Religious Education to Religion, Values and Ethics reflects the expanded scope of religious education (RVE) and ensures the legislation itself is clear that RVE includes non-religious philosophical views. Provision in the Act is linked to the term “philosophical convictions” within the meaning of Article 2 Protocol 1 of the European Convention on Human Rights.
Relationships and Sexual Education
St.Brigid's school is following guidance as set out by Denbighshire County Council and the Welsh Assembly Government with respect to Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE).