Below you will find information about the extra curricular opportunities enjoyed by our pupils; whether it’s sport, music, drama or communication and interpersonal skills there is something for everyone to get involved in.

We offer after school football, cricket sessions for pupils age 7 - 11. Small group sizes enable pupils to build confidence in a sport they enjoy, foster teamwork and develop physical skills.
We want pupils to enjoy sporting activities whilst improving their physical and metal fitness.
Music is enjoyable to children of all ages. St Brigid's school is fortunate to have a devoted music studio. Music has always been of importance at our school.
We offer peripatetic music lessons to pupils of all ages. Including guitar, piano, singing and others.
Pupils can also join the school choir or orchestra to take part in music workshops.

Drama is a part of St Brigid's history. The annual school performances each year have always been a great success.
The whole school gets involved providing pupils opportunities to practise their preforming skills in front of an audience.
Academic Societies
Learners can visit the Young Writers Society, Art & Design club, Science club and the Truth Seekers: Bible Study & Discussion Group. That run during lunch times at school.
We also offer several exam preparation groups during lunch time breaks too.