Canlyniadau a Pherfformiad
GCSE Results
St Brigid's School is celebrating outstanding GCSE results again this year with nearly a quarter of year 11 learners achieving five or more A*-A grades. We are just absolutely delighted to be able to share the joy of these exceptional results with our pupils, who have worked so hard and overcome huge adversity during the last three academic years.
Amongst the outstanding performers were:
Mary Qualters - 9A* and 5A
Ryan Victoria - 8A* and 6A
Kizzie Cooper - 8A* and 5A
Isla Thomson - 2A*, 8A and 6B
Elika Davies - 2A*, 8A and 3B
Gabriella Feimi - 2A*, 5A, 7B
Isaac Hesketh - 1A*, 6A, 7B
Sophie Kirkpatrick - 1A*, 6A, 2B, 1C
Our pupils have excelled themselves and achieved well-deserved results. The governing body and staff body are incredibly proud of our young people, and huge thanks to our teaching and support staff who have worked tirelessly to ensure their success.

6th Form Results
Sixth form students at St Brigid’s School, are once again celebrating huge A-level success with all learners being accepted to their first choice universities, apprenticeships and the world of work. Despite the impact of the pandemic, Year 13 pupils achieved a 98% pass rate, with 50% achieving A*-A grades.
Isabella Casey secured her place at Durham University to read Archeology; Deputy Head Girl, Haf Read, is going to read Maths and Physics at the University of York; Sian Sumang secured a place at Reading University to read Pharmacology; Nicole Vidal is studying Law at Newcastle; with Billy Morrell is studying English at Queen Mary University of London.
Head Girl, Cherish Edwards, and Esme Barrow are both preparing for prestigious Drama Schools in London.
Deputy Head Boy, Owen Brumby, secured a funded Engineering degree and apprenticeship with Ford in Dagenham and Head Boy Fred Kingsland secured his apprenticeship to train as a pilot in the south of England. Nia Townsend is beginning an apprenticeship in the Fire and Rescue Service.
St. Brigid’s School is particularly proud of student Emily Johnson, who has overcome great adversity throughout her school career, with extremely severe treatment-resistive Epilepsy, facing tens of seizures a day and multiple brain surgeries, and who has managed to overcome the odds to achieve the qualifications she needs to secure a role as a Teaching Assistant in a Denbighshire school. She is working alongside the support of Working Denbighshire to use this role to train to become a teacher in the future. Headteacher Leah Crimes hopes to see her back and working in St Brigid’s as an inspirational teacher upon graduation. Emily organised the first ever ‘Purple Day’ in St Brigid’s School, for Epilepsy Action, raising an incredible £1500 in 90 minutes.
Our Headteacher, Leah Crimes said ‘I’m over the moon that all of our Year 13 pupils have secured what they need to take their next steps and go out into the world to make a difference. They truly are real Brigidines and we’re so proud of them all’.