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- Religious Education | St Brigid's School
Addysg Grefyddol Yn ôl at bob Pwnc Mae Astudiaethau Crefyddol yn rhoi cyfle i chi astudio materion a chwestiynau sy'n bwysig: Beth yw ystyr a phwrpas bywyd? Pa gredoau fyddwch chi'n byw gyda nhw? Pa wahanol syniadau am Dduw a bywyd ar ôl marwolaeth sydd? Beth sy'n gwneud gweithred yn anghywir? Pam mae pobl yn dioddef? Wrth astudio crefydd byddwch yn gallu datblygu eich meddyliau a'ch syniadau eich hun am faterion moesol a moesegol a chwestiynau cred. Dyma pam mae rhai pobl yn galw RS yn 'wyddoniaeth bywyd'. Beth fydda i'n ei ddysgu? Byddwch yn astudio Uned 1: Crefydd a Themâu Athronyddol ym Mlwyddyn 10. Mae'r cwrs yn cwmpasu'r pedwar pwnc canlynol: * Cristnogaeth - credoau, dysgeidiaeth ac arferion craidd. * Iddewiaeth - credoau, dysgeidiaeth ac arferion craidd. * Materion Bywyd a Marwolaeth sy'n delio ag agweddau tuag at greu'r byd; stiwardiaeth a chyfrifoldeb amgylcheddol; sancteiddrwydd bywyd a chredoau am farwolaeth a'r ôl-fywyd. * Materion Da a Drygioni, sy'n delio ag agweddau at droseddu a chosb, heddwch a gwrthdaro, maddeuant a phroblem drygioni a dioddefaint. Ym Mlwyddyn 11 Byddwch yn astudio Uned 2: Crefydd a Materion Moesegol: * Cristnogaeth - credoau, dysgeidiaeth ac arferion craidd. * Iddewiaeth - credoau, dysgeidiaeth ac arferion craidd. * Materion Perthynas sy'n delio ag agweddau tuag at y teulu; natur a phwrpas priodas; ysgariad, gwahanu ac ailbriodi. * Materion Hawliau Dynol sy'n delio ag agweddau at gyfiawnder cymdeithasol ac urddas bywyd dynol; rhagfarn a gwahaniaethu; cyfoeth a thlodi. Sut y byddaf yn cael fy asesu? Y bwrdd arholi yw CBAC. Er mwyn bod yn gymwys ar gyfer TGAU Cwrs Llawn byddwch yn sefyll dau arholiad, un ar ddiwedd Blwyddyn 10 a'r llall ar ddiwedd Blwyddyn 11. Asesir eich gwybodaeth a'ch dealltwriaeth yn ogystal â'ch gallu i werthuso gwahanol ymatebion i grefyddol a materion moesol. Beth nesaf ar ôl y cwrs a chyfleoedd cyflogaeth yn y dyfodol Mae llawer o'n myfyrwyr yn mynd ymlaen i astudio Astudiaethau Crefyddol ar UG a Safon Uwch. Heb os, bydd Astudiaethau Crefyddol yn ddefnyddiol mewn nifer o yrfaoedd: addysgu, teithio, yr heddlu, meddygaeth, nyrsio, y gyfraith, newyddiaduraeth, y cyfryngau a gwaith cymdeithasol i enwi ond ychydig.
- Keep in Touch | St Brigid's School
KEEP IN TOUCH We believe effective communication between parents, carers, and schools is crucial for the success of a child's journey at St Brigid' School. At our school, we keep in touch with parents through the SIMS app. We also provide regular newsletters, emails, and parent-teacher conferences. Parents can also contact the school through phone, email, or by scheduling an appointment with the teacher via the school office. We believe that open communication and collaboration between all parties involved is key to ensuring the best possible outcomes for our students. You can also keep up to date by reading out regular St Brigid's newsletter here Click below to read the latest edition. Newsletter Our teachers and staff are happy to talk and should be your first port of contact at school. If you wish to contact us about your child please telephone the school office on 01745 815 228 or email Phone Mail ABSENCE Parents are asked to telephone the St Brigid's absence line on 01745 815 228 and choose option 1 to report a pupil absence. This is an automated line and parents should leave the name of their child, child’s form group or class and the reason for absence. Alternatively, parents can email with the same information. Please contact the school as early as possible and not later than 9.00a.m., if a pupil cannot attend school because of illness. Please check Public Health Wales for a guide to how long your child should be out of school with illness. Mail SIMS App. Click here to download the SIMS parent app. You can use this to keep up to date about your children directly from the teacher. Including messages, attendance, awards and behaviour incidents. PARENT PAY At St Brigid's we use ParentPay to allow parents to pay for school meals, trips and other activities. This is a secure cashless method of payment. Please contact school for an activation letter to open an account. How to activate your account: How to pay for items: PARENT'S EVENINGS We have regular parent's evenings for pupils. This provides parents the opportunity to speak directly with the teachers at our school. Please check your messages or our calendar for the dates of the next sessions. Click the link below to book a slot for your next meeting. REPORTS Reports are sent out throughout the academic year to parents. Please find this year's schedule of dates for parent's evenings and school reports below. Pupil Report Schedule
- Policies and Procedures | St Brigid's School
Polisïau a Gweithdrefnau Please find below all of our school policy documents. If you would like a printed copy of any of our policies, please contact: or telephone 01745 815228
- Estyn Report | St Brigid's School
Adroddiad Estyn I grynhoi, canfu Estyn fod cryfderau yn St Brigid yn gorbwyso meysydd i'w gwella (yn nhermau Estyn - Digonol). Cydnabu'r Corff Llywodraethol fod y tîm Arolygu o'r farn bod llawer o agweddau ar yr ysgol yn 'dda' ac yn cydnabod y cynnydd a wnaed ers yr arolygiad diwethaf. Yn yr adroddiad mae'r Uwch Dîm Arweinyddiaeth a'r Corff Llywodraethol eisoes wedi nodi rhai meysydd clir i'w gwella er mwyn parhau i symud yr ysgol yn ei blaen ac edrychwn ymlaen at weithio gyda'r holl bartïon perthnasol gan gynnwys ein disgyblion a'n teuluoedd yn y flwyddyn sydd i ddod i gyflawni'r rheini. Diolch yn fawr am eich cefnogaeth barhaus. Tony Hannigan Cadeirydd y Llywodraethwyr ESTYN Report "Mae ansawdd yr addysgu yn cefnogi disgyblion i wneud cynnydd cryf". "Mae disgyblion iau yn gweddïo dros ddisgyblion hŷn sy'n sefyll eu harholiadau. Mae disgyblion hŷn yn gweithio'n effeithiol gyda disgyblion iau ac yn eu helpu i ddatblygu eu sgiliau llythrennedd a rhifedd". "Mae yna ystod eang o weithgareddau cerddorol a phwnc allgyrsiol a fynychir yn dda. Mae'r rhain yn cael effaith gadarnhaol ar ddatblygu diddordebau ac agweddau disgyblion tuag at ddysgu". Overall, many pupils develop secure reading skills over time. The youngest pupils use their knowledge of phonics successfully. They develop a secure understanding that texts carry meaning from an early age. The reading skills of pupils in Years 4-6 are developing particularly well. Nearly all can find information and ideas from web pages confidently, using different search methods, considering which are the most efficient. More able pupils distinguish between facts, theories and opinions and can compare the viewpoint of different writers on the same topic. As they move up the school, most pupils develop secure retrieval skills. "Mae gofal bugeiliol a'r ystod eang o weithgareddau allgyrsiol wedi datblygu ymdeimlad cryf o gymuned yn yr ysgol".
- Examinations | St Brigid's School
Arholiadau Mae'r wefan hon yn cael ei chynllunio i helpu myfyrwyr / rhieni a gofalwyr dros y blynyddoedd arholiad hynod o straen. Rydym wedi ceisio dod o hyd i wybodaeth o wahanol feysydd i'ch helpu gyda'ch dealltwriaeth tuag at y weithdrefn arholi a darparu amrywiaeth o ddogfennau a dolenni i chi. Yn Ysgol Santes Ffraid rydym yn sefyll arholiadau yn: Blwyddyn 10: modiwlau TGAU / BAC WELSH Blwyddyn 11: modiwlau terfynol TGAU / BAC WELSH Blwyddyn 12: modiwlau UG / / BTEC / WELSH BAC Blwyddyn 13: modiwlau A2 / / BTEC / WELSH BAC Arholiadau Cyswllt: Ar gyfer pob ymholiad Arholiad, cysylltwch â: Louise Bollard Swyddog Arholiadau Mrs Louise Bollard - Swyddog Arholiadau Ysgol Santes Ffraid Plas Yn Wyrdd Dinbych LL16 4BH Ffôn: 01745 817916 E-bost: Exam Information A/S & A Level Exam Timetable Mock GCSE Exam Timetable Exam Appeals Policy Exam Checklist Tips for Exam Success Diwrnod Canlyniadau Lefel A - Dydd Iau 13eg Awst 2020. TGAU - Dydd Iau 20fed Awst 2020. Bydd y Swyddfa Weinyddol flaen ar agor i fyfyrwyr rhwng 9am a 12pm. Gall unrhyw ddisgybl nad yw'n gallu casglu ei ganlyniadau arholiad naill ai gael e-bost, ei godi gan berson awdurdodedig neu ei anfon yn uniongyrchol i'w gyfeiriad cartref. Rhaid rhoi amlen â chyfeiriad wedi'i stampio i Mrs Bollard, cyn eu harholiad diwethaf. Dim ond ar Ddiwrnodau Canlyniadau y bydd Ysgol DS ar agor Ymholiadau am Ganlyniadau Llungopïau â Blaenoriaeth TAW YN UNIG Mae gan ymgeiswyr hawl i gael mynediad i'w sgriptiau wedi'u marcio yn dilyn canlyniadau'r arholiadau. Os ydych am weld sgript i benderfynu a ddylid adolygu ei farc ai peidio, yna gallwch ofyn am lungopi blaenoriaeth o'r sgript. Rhaid cyflwyno ceisiadau erbyn Awst 21ain fan bellaf - gofynnwch i Mrs Bollard am ffurflen gais. Mynediad at Sgriptiau TAG a TGAU Cais am lungopïau o sgriptiau - cost oddeutu. £ 14 Dim ond ar Ddiwrnodau Canlyniadau y bydd Ysgol DS ar agor. Anfonir y llungopïau i'r ganolfan erbyn Medi 10fed fan bellaf fel y gallwch benderfynu a ddylech gyflwyno ymholiad ai peidio. Y dyddiad diweddaraf i gyflwyno ymholiad yw Medi 20fed. Sgriptiau Gwreiddiol Mae gan ymgeiswyr hawl i gael mynediad i'w sgriptiau wedi'u marcio yn dilyn canlyniadau'r arholiadau. Mae hwn ar gael ar gyfer TGAU a TAG Ceisiadau am sgriptiau gwreiddiol - cost oddeutu. £ 12 Rhaid cyflwyno ceisiadau erbyn Hydref 4ydd - gweler Mrs Bollard am ffurflenni cais. Dylai sgriptiau gyrraedd yr ysgol rhwng Medi 21ain a Tachwedd 22ain. Ni fydd y sgriptiau hyn yn gymwys ar gyfer ymholiadau am ganlyniadau ond maent er budd cyffredinol neu i lywio dysgu yn y dyfodol. Dylid gwneud pob taliad ar-lein trwy Parent Pay neu mewn manwerthwr Pwynt Talu
- Extra Curricular | St Brigid's School
EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITES Below you will find information about the extra curricular opportunities enjoyed by our pupils; whether it’s sport, music, drama or communication and interpersonal skills there is something for everyone to get involved in. Section Title Combined Cadet Force Our CCF takes place weekly for pupils in secondary school. Offering them a broad range of challenging, exciting, adventurous and educational activities. Our aim is to enable the development of personal responsibility, leadership and self-discipline. More Sports We offer after school football, cricket sessions for pupils age 7 - 11. Small group sizes enable pupils to build confidence in a sport they enjoy, foster teamwork and develop physical skills. We want pupils to enjoy sporting activities whilst improving their physical and metal fitness. Music Music is enjoyable to children of all ages. St Brigid's school is fortunate to have a devoted music studio. Music has always been of importance at our school. We offer peripatetic music lessons to pupils of all ages. Including guitar, piano, singing and others. Pupils can also join the school choir or orchestra to take part in music workshops. Drama Drama is a part of St Brigid's history. The annual school performances each year have always been a great success. The whole school gets involved providing pupils opportunities to practise their preforming skills in front of an audience. Academic Societies Learners can visit the Young Writers Society, Art & Design club, Science club and the Truth Seekers: Bible Study & Discussion Group. That run during lunch times at school. We also offer several exam preparation groups during lunch time breaks too.
- Upper School | St Brigid's School
ST BRIGID'S UPPER SCHOOL Ages 14 - 19 Welcome to the Upper School information page. In Year 10 and 11 the GCSE courses begin and pupils have opportunity to seek careers advice and to focus on the choices available to them post 16, whether that be returning to sixth form or looking at possible college courses. Historically St Brigid’s GCSE results have been the best in the area, these excellent results are attained through first class teaching and the good working relationships that the school fosters between pupils and their teachers. At St. Brigid’s we also aim to provide a supportive and exciting sixth form experience, which gives students the opportunity to pursue academic interests whilst being guided by a team of excellent specialist teachers. Our school’s friendly and positive ethos enables young people to grow into adulthood with confidence and whilst cementing friendships. The Sixth Form at St. Brigid’s is a time for students to develop a broader awareness and understanding of the world around them and how they play a part in shaping it. As a school with a strong faith tradition and ethos, we hold the concept of service in high regard and are deeply committed to helping our students to become compassionate and resilient leaders; we believe that young people have the potential to bring about positive change both within the local and global community. Our sixth formers are role models for the rest of the school and a particularly rewarding aspect of this is interacting with the younger pupils, further developing St. Brigid’s strong sense of community. GCSE LEARNING Students at St Brigid’s can study up to 12 subjects at GCSE. In designing the curriculum, the school aims to foster a broad and balanced choice of subjects to give our students the best possible range of qualifications at GCSE. Year 9 is where learners begin to make decisions about their future. They are asked to select from a range of subject options that they wish to pursue. These learning pathways allow students to specify areas of learning that interest them and may be important for their future careers. Click the Learning Pathways tab to find out about what we offer out pupils. EXAMINATIONS We aim to offer comprehensive support to your child with examinations. Click the links to download our revision guides and tips for those pupils taking exams. Take a look at the presentations delivered at our Parents and Carers Workshop 'Help your child prepare for their exams' in April 2023. Curriculum & Learning Pathways Revision Planning Revision Techniques Parents Exam Workshop ST BRIGIDS SIXTH FORM Small teaching groups mean students learn to listen and present their ideas with thought and coherence, preparing them for university learning. Teachers also have flexibility to personalise learning, whilst nurturing students’ individual interests within an atmosphere of support and challenge. We enjoy an academic tradition, with our students regularly accessing high calibre universities such as Oxford and Cambridge and the institutions within the highly competitive Russell Group. Alongside this, we also have a strong culture of creativity and enquiry, as well as a track-record of developing students as independent learners and as leaders. Many of our students go on to pursue careers in the creative arts and attend highly regarded courses, more recently at The Central School of Speech and Drama and The Arts Educational School, London, for example. All students are valued at St. Brigid’s and we are proud of all of our students fostering an atmosphere where everyone is valued for their individual strengths and talents. This is celebrated at the end of every year with our annual Prizegiving ceremonies. As part of the Denbigh Consortium, we work closely with our neighbours, Denbigh High School in particular, as well as Coleg Llandrillo and Coleg Llysfasi. This is an extremely positive aspect of our sixth form experience as it enables students to access a broader curriculum offer as well as to make new friends. Our students enjoy the opportunity to take a subject at another centre and this is an ideal step towards preparing for Higher Education. 6th Form Consortium Guide Options A TYPICAL DAY A Typical Day: The school day starts at 8.50am with registration. Registration period is used for assemblies on some days, which might be spiritual form time or whole school assemblies. Clubs and activities take place at lunch time and after school. Here is an example of a timetable for a Upper School student. Years 7 - 11 Time Activity 8:50 Start of School Day 8:50 - 9:15 Registration 9:15 - 10:15 Lesson 1 10:20 - 11:20 Lesson 2 10:20 - 11:35 Break 11:35 - 12:35 Lesson 3 12:35 - 1:15 Lunch 1:15 - 2:15 Lesson 4 2:15 - 3:20 Lesson 5 3:20 End of Day Sixth Form Activity Time Registration 8:50 - 9:15 Travel Time/ Self Study 9:15 - 9:45 Lesson 1 9:45 - 11:20 Registration 8:50 - 9:15 Break/Travel Time 11:20 -11:35 Lesson 2 11:35 - 12:35 Lunch/Travel Time 12:35 - 1:20 Lesson 4 1:20 - 2:20 Lesson 5 2:20 - 3:20 End of Day 3:20 To play, press and hold the enter key. To stop, release the enter key. ALL THE EXTRAS All pupils in Upper School are given opportunity if they choose to join the Combined Cadet Force and through this they can take part in the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme. Learners can have music and singing lessons delivered by specialist teachers and often have leading roles in the annual school production. There is an annual end of term trip in the summer term which is a reward for good behaviour and effort throughout the school day. The Upper School have opportunity to take part in the School Sport’s day. At St. Brigid’s we aim to provide a supportive and exciting sixth form experience, which gives students the opportunity to pursue academic interests whilst being guided by a team of excellent specialist teachers. Our school’s friendly and positive ethos enables young people to grow into adulthood with confidence and whilst cementing friendships.The Sixth Form at St. Brigid’s is a time for students to develop a broader awareness and understanding of the world around them and how they play a part in shaping it. As a school with a strong faith tradition and ethos, we hold the concept of service in high regard and are deeply committed to helping our students to become compassionate and resilient leaders; we believe that young people have the potential to bring about positive change both within the local and global community. Our sixth formers are role models for the rest of the school and a particularly rewarding aspect of this is interacting with the younger pupils, further developing St. Brigid’s strong sense of community. APPLY Applications for September 2024 from students in at St Brigid’s School or Denbigh High School will be made via the students’ current school. For any prospective candidates wishing to apply from other schools, they should do so through the school that hosts the majority of their preferred option subjects above (i.e. If two of the three chosen options from columns A to D are taught at St. Brigid’s School, the application should be made through St. Brigid’s School and vice versa.) All initial applications or declarations of interest must be submitted for initial planning by the end of Friday 24th March 2023. ** Level 3 Public Services Double Award - This Subject must be chosen in both columns A and B. Coleg Cambria Llysfasi - A Small number of full-time land based qualifications are available as part of the consortium. Please contact Coleg Llysfasi directly for details. All candidates must choose 3 options from columns A to D, with the core-studies (Skills Challenge Certificate) representing the fourth AS level subject. Candidates wishing to study four options would only be able to do so if they achieved exceptional GCSE grades and with the agreement of the Senior Leadership Team. This is in the interest of student wellbeing and due to the significant workload this would present. Under normal circumstances candidates must attain a B grade at GCSE in the subject that they wish to study in the 6th form. In the case of subjects that may not have a preceding GCSE or Level 2 qualification (e.g. Psychology), candidates would be expected to have attained a B grade in GCSE English and a C grade in GCSE Mathematics. Options Application Form
- Staff | St Brigid's School
OUR TEAM Meet the passionate and skilled team behind the success of St Brigid's School. Led by our headteacher and deputy, each department is headed by experienced professionals who are dedicated to the education and wellbeing of every student Administration Telephone: 01745 815 228 E-mail: Mrs. L. Crimes Headteacher Headteacher of St. Brigid's School Mail Dr. P. Humberstone Deputy Headteacher Deputy Head Teacher, leading curriculum manager and manager of school data. Mail Ms. H. Parry-Hughes Head of Upper School Head of Sixth Form & Upper School, pastoral and safeguarding lead for pupils in Years 10- 13. Mail Ms. G. Newnham Head of Middle School Head of Middle School, pastoral and safeguarding lead for Years 6 - 9 Mail Miss. H. McMurray Head of Lower School Head of Lower School, pastoral and safeguarding lead for Nursery - Year 5 Mail TEACHING AND LEARNING LEADERS Ms. E. Bamber Mathematics and Numeracy Our mathematics curriculum manager is responsible for designing and implementing our numeracy curriculum. They work with the teaching staff to ensure that our program aligns with national standards and is up-to-date with current trends in education. They are dedicated to ensuring that our students receive a strong foundation in mathematics, which will set them up for future academic success. Miss. K. Voice Humanities Our humanities curriculum manager, is a passionate educator dedicated to providing our students with an enriching and comprehensive education. Her expertise in designing and delivering innovative humanities programs has helped us create a dynamic learning environment that fosters critical thinking, creativity, and intellectual growth. Mrs. J. Morris ALNCo Our primary goal is to provide students with an exceptional education that prepares them for their future. We focus on the individual needs of each student, ensuring they have the tools and resources to succeed academically and personally. Our additional learning needs coordinator plays a vital role in supporting students who require additional assistance, developing individualized programs that meet each student's unique needs. Mrs. C. Harmsworth Languages and Literacy At St Brigid’s School, we provide students with a first-class education designed to help them grow academically, socially, and spiritually. Our English and Languages Curriculum Manager plays a critical role in ensuring that our students receive a well-rounded education that includes a strong grasp of language and communication skills. Mrs. S. Livingstone Expressive Arts Teachers at St Brigid's prioritize the development of well-rounded students. That's why we have an expressive arts curriculum manager on staff, who is responsible for overseeing and implementing programs in art, music and drama. This allows our students to tap into their creative side and gain a deeper appreciation for the arts. Mrs. E. Williams Science and Technology We believe in the importance of a well-rounded education that includes a comprehensive STEM curriculum. Our Science and Technology Curriculum Manager is dedicated to designing and implementing engaging and innovative lessons that empower our students to become the next generation of problem solvers and innovators. Miss. D. Pender Health, Fitness and Well-being At St Brigid’s School, we believe that focusing on health and wellness is important for not just academic success, but also for personal growth and development. That's why we have a dedicated health and well-being manager on staff, who works with students to ensure that they have the resources and support they need to thrive both in and out of the classroom. Form Teachers Miss. H. McMurray - Reception/Nursery Miss. L. Dovey-Evans - Y1/Y2 Miss. B. Worthington - Y3 Miss. L. Parry - Y4 Mr. S. Hughes - Y5 Ms. G. Newnham - Y6 Miss. J. Lloyd - 7G Mr. P. Roberts - 7R Mr. N. Brearley - 8G Mrs. M. Davies - 8R Mrs N. Roberts - 9G Mr. B. Humphreys - 9R Mr. R. Bell - 10G Miss. S. Jones - 10R Mrs. M. Nelson - 11G Mr. E. Snyman & Mr. I. Spurgin - 11R Mr. N. Brearley - Y12 Mr. A. Tranmer - Y12 Mrs. C. Dixon- Y12 Dr. S. Roberts - Y13 Mrs. M. Gadd - Y13 Subject Teachers Sr. E. Adams - Spanish Mrs. E. Bamber - Further Mathematics/Mathematics Mr. R. Bell - Mathematics Mr. N. Brearley - BTEC Sport/P.E Mrs. A. Bunn - Geography / CCF Miss. E. Davies - SWEET Mrs. M. Davies - Music/RVE Mrs. C. Dixon - RVE Mrs. M. Gadd - Biology/ Health & Social Mrs. C. Harmsworth - English Dr. P. Humberstone - Chemistry Mr. B. Humphreys - Physics Miss. S. Jones - Mathematics Mrs. S. Livingstone - PE/Performing Arts/Spanish Miss. J. Lloyd- Cymraeg/Welsh Baccalaureate Mrs. J. Morris - ALNCo Mrs. M. Nelson - English Ms. H. Parry-Hughes - English Ms. D. Pender - Health & Wellbeing/ /Welsh Baccalaureate Ms. H. Roberts - Cymraeg Mrs. N. Roberts - Music/RVE/Cymraeg Mr. P. Roberts - Computer Science/ICT/Public Services Dr. S. Roberts - Criminology/Art/Psychology/Welsh Baccalaureate Mrs. E. Sargent - Business Studies Mr . E. Snyman - Art/Design Technology/Product Design Mr. I. Spurgin - Biology/Chemistry Mr. A. Tranmer - Drama Ms. K. Voice - History Mrs. E. Williams - Chemistry
- About | St Brigid's School
WELCOME It is a great privilege to be Headteacher of St Brigid’s School, and I am delighted to welcome you to our website. St. Brigid's is more than just a school; we are a community which strives for the best for every one of our members. We are very proud of our 3-19 school, which has a strong Catholic ethos and tradition, and high standards. St Brigid’s School is beautifully situated on the A543 on the outskirts of Denbigh, a medieval walled town, set in the grounds of an early-Victorian house, surrounded by parkland. We provide a secure, family-oriented environment, and deliver a rich and diverse curriculum. We are well-supported by our governors and have an active School Association. We live in changing times and this means providing a well-rounded education that prepares young people for life; we seek to build on our past whilst looking to the future. We follow in our rich tradition as a former Brigidine Convent, and we maintain strong links with the Brigidine Sisters to this day. We have a strong legacy in developing our students in Drama and the Arts, as well as a rich academic tradition; our examination results and university outcomes speak for themselves. We strive to provide high-quality education for all of our pupils, enhanced by the caring and positive ethos of our school. We pride ourselves on Christian family values and we recognise the development of the whole person. We seek 'to inspire and be inspired' through our Brigidine Learner Profile; entirely unique to our school. I hope that you find the information on our website useful, and I look forward to welcoming you to our school in the near future. Mrs. Leah Crimes Headteacher AM EIN YSGOL We are proud of our current and historical successes. As a through school we cater for pupils of all ages and abilities. Teaching pupils of all ages has numerous benefits. It promotes lifelong learning, encourages personal growth, and fosters a sense of community. Additionally, it helps to develop critical thinking skills and enhances creativity. By providing education to individuals of all ages, we can create a more knowledgeable and well-rounded community. We are able to celebrate the achievements of all our learners as they move from learning to read and write in Nursery right through to taking GCSE and A-Level examinations. A Catholic ethos A Family Orientated School Amazing Specialist Teachers Beautiful Setting Strong Academic Tradition 3 - 19 A Through School 1939 Founded in 1939 500 + Students 100% A-Level Pass Rate 35% Students achieve 5 or more A+/A grades at GCSE OUR HISTORY St Brigid's School is a successful school steeped in history. Located at the foot of the beautiful Clwydian Range, a natural wonder of North Wales. Our school has a captivating history that spans several decades, and we couldn't be prouder to be a part of this incredible community. Join us on an fascinating journey through the rich history of our school and it's Catholic foundations. 1939 1939 1939 1939 The School was established in 1939 by the Congregation of St. Brigid, a convent in Ireland, at the invitation of the Bishop of Menevia, and set up in premises on Park Street in Denbigh. In 1943, the Nuns moved the school to the present premises, an early-Victorian house, and the school became St. Brigid’s Convent School, catering for children from age 4 to 18, from all over Britain and Ireland. 1943 1943 1943 1943 1946 1946 1946 1946 In 1946, the Sisters were asked to provide a Catholic education with high academic and disciplinary standards for the daughters of Polish Officers, thus forming the basis of an international dimension of the school. Over the years, it became a very successful boarding school, and became known as the Brigidine Convent During 1990, when due to the lack of vocations, the Congregation were concerned about the future of the school. A former parent, Mr. William Spencer, purchased the property and leased it to a newly-formed Trust, under the patronage of the Bishop of Wrexham, which ran and developed the school, and it grew as a successful Independent Boarding School. In 1999, the school became Voluntary-Aided, supported by Denbighshire local authority, which it remains to this day. 1999 1999 1999 1999 2024 2024 2024 2024 1996 1996 1996 1996 In 1996 the school became Grant Maintained; the first maintained boarding school in Wales. In 1999, the school became Voluntary-Aided, supported by Denbighshire local authority, which it remains to this day. 1990 1990 1990 1990 A LEGACY Take a trip down memory lane with our collection vintage photos showcasing the rich history of our school. Among the many highlights are the unforgettable pantomimes that captivated audiences for years. Our school has always been proud supporter of the arts, and we continue to carry that tradition today.
- Safety | St Brigid's School
SCHOOL SAFETY Safeguarding St Brigid's School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. We are fully committed to ensuring that consistent, effective safeguarding procedures are in place to support families, children and staff at school. To ensure prompt communication between staff, we use CPOMS; an online system that allows us to monitor safeguarding, well-being and pastoral issues. this enable swift communication between all parties in a secure way. We follow the procedures set out by the Denbighshire County Council with regards to Safeguarding Children and take account of all guidance issued by the Department for Education for Wales. Safeguarding Team Designated Safeguarding Persons (DSPs): Mrs. L. Crimes (Headteacher) Dr. P. Humberstone (Deputy Headteacher) Ms. H. Parry Hughes (Assistant Headteacher - Upper School) Mrs. G. Newnham (Assistant Headteacher - Middle School) Miss. H. McMurray (Assistant Headteacher - Lower School) Safeguarding Governor: Dr. M. Kumwenda Chair of Governors: Mrs. Maria Hammersley Online Safety Lead: Mr. N. Brearley CEOP Causes for Concern Our first priority is of course your child’s welfare and school is required to take any reasonable action to ensure the safety of its pupils. However there may be occasions when we have reason to be concerned that a child may be subject to ill-treatment, neglect or other forms of abuse. We will ensure that our concerns about a child are discussed with his/her parents/carers first, unless we have reason to believe that such a move would be contrary to the child’s welfare. In this case school is obliged to follow the Child Protection procedures established by Denbighshire County Council Safeguarding Committee and inform the Social Services of the concern. If you are worried about a child's safety please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Crimes or one of our Safeguarding Team. Our Aims To work to families' strengths... ...especially those of parents / carers and to take time to understand their needs fully. To focus on preventing problems... ...before they occur and try to offer flexible, responsive support when and where it's required. To base all we do on evidence… ...of both what is needed and of what works and be brave enough to stop things that are wrong. Successful Early Help Will Mean: Children: are physically and emotionally healthy are resilient and able to learn well are supported by their families, community and (when necessary) professionals in order to thrive live in safe environments Parents and Carers: support one another in the community know where to get help if needed have trusted relationships with school, community, other parents are well informed about how best to help their child develop and motivated to make great choices.
- School Development | St Brigid's School
AM EIN YSGOL Our school is dedicated to achieving our improvement objectives with confidence and determination. We aim to enhance student learning outcomes, improve teacher effectiveness, and foster a positive school culture through the implementation of evidence-based teaching practices, professional development opportunities for our staff, and extracurricular activities that promote student engagement. We are committed to creating a safe and inclusive learning environment that supports the academic and personal growth of all our students. These are our current improvement objectives: School Improvement Objectives 01 Objective 1 To create an outstanding curriculum at St. Brigid’s School, grou nded in our Brigidine Learner Profile, and bringing the facets of the Curriculum for Wales and ALN Reform to life for the benefit of every learner. (Curriculum). To consistently deliver our outstanding curriculum to the best possible standard. (Teaching & Learning, Pedagogy) 02 Objective 2 To engender a positive culture of kindness, respect for all, and positive beh aviour for learning. 03 Objective 3 To develop every member of staff, and create a culture of coaching, improvement, autonomy and research-based delivery. Professional Development and Standards) 04 Objective 4 To consistently use effective tracking and monitoring to plan next steps and interventions at every level in the school organisation. (Assessment, Standards, T & L, Leadership) 05 Objective 5 To improve learner and staff emotional health and wellbeing. (Wellbeing, Standards, Leadership) 06 Objective 6 To follow agreed SIFD protocols to continue to manage the budget deficit.
- Apply | St Brigid's School
Mae Santes Ffraid yn lleoliad hyfryd ac yn lle bywiog i ddysgu. Rydyn ni'n rhoi'r un pwys ar ddatblygiad academaidd ein disgyblion a thwf ein unigolion. Rydym yn deall y gall llwyddiant ddod i mewn mewn fformatau a bod cydnabod gwerth hyn yn hanfodol. Rydym yn Ysbrydoli i hyrwyddo'r rhai ysbrydoledig a rhoi gwerth mawr i bawb ar yr angen am barch, cariad, gwirionedd ffydd a rhagoriaeth. Mae ethos o'r fath wedi ymgorffori Ysgol Santes Ffraid fel ffigwr pwysig yn y gymuned leol, rhywbeth yr ydym yn falch iawn ohono. Os hoffech chi hefyd ddod yn rhan o'r llwyddiant hwn yna cliciwch ar y ffurflen dderbyn, ei llenwi a'i hanfon i'r ysgol. St. Brigid's is a Voluntary Aided school and the Admissions Authority is the Governing Body (not Denbighshire County Council). It is therefore essential that you complete the school's application form should you wish your child to be considered for a place. Derbyniadau Have a look at the School Prospectus for more information. Links to the Admissions Policies (including the oversubscription criteria are below). Diddordeb? Beth am lawrlwytho prosbectws heddiw? Policy Polisi Derbyn Eilaidd OPEN If you too would like to become part of this success, then simply click and complete the admissions form. Addendum APPLY TODAY APPLY TODAY APPLY TODAY APPLY TODAY Up Up Apply APPLY TODAY If you wish you apply for a place at St Brigid's School please fill out the form below. You may be asked to provide additional evidence in support of your application. Please read our Statement of Aims and Identity below before applying. Statement of Aims and Identity Printable Form Statement of Aims and Identity St Brigid's School, Denbigh. Please read below before applying. RECOGNITION OF AND ACCEPTANCE OF THE SCHOOL’S ROMAN CATHOLIC AIMS AND IDENTITY St Brigid’s School was founded at the request of the Bishop in 1939 to provide for the educational needs of Catholic families in the Denbigh Area, by the Congregation of St Brigid, who ran the School, sometimes known as Brigidine Convent School, until 1990, when it was handed over to an Educational Charity, as St Brigid’s School Limited. The Articles of Association of the School Trust state that “The Company is established for the advancement of the education of children between the ages of 3 and 19, by the provision of a voluntary-aided Roman Catholic School or School for the education of Roman Catholic children, either with or without other Christian or non-Christian children.” The Constitution of the school states that “Religious observance and education in the school shall be in accordance with the rights and practices and doctrines of the Roman Catholic Church” The Governing Body of the School intend that pupils should receive an education of a high standard provided by teachers dedicated to the task of the Christian formation of Children and young people in an atmosphere pervaded by Gospel values and the message of Christ. This means that Religious Education, whilst given full expression in the Prayer life of the School, its acts of worship and instruction in the faith, is not limited to these, and as the Bishops have said, “The beliefs and values it communicates should inspire and unify every aspect of school life. It should provide the context for, and substantially shape the school curriculum and offer living experiences of the life of faith in its practical expression.” Partnership with parents, the primary educators of their children has long been a principle embedded in Catholic education. The Governing Body values and welcomes, above all, the co-operation of parents in seeking to achieve these aims for pupils attending the school. The governing Body has agreed that all parents seeking a place at this school should be required to sign below to signify that they understand and accept this statement of aims and identity for pupils at the school. Application Form