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The governing body plays a crucial role in the success of any school, providing strategic guidance, monitoring performance and acting as a ‘critical friend’ to the headteacher and staff. School governors comprise the largest volunteer force in the UK.

Those with an interest in school governance in Wales can find out more on the excellent Governors Wales website.

St. Brigid’s is fortunate in enjoying the support of a vibrant, vocal and active governing body which is keen to move the school forward whilst maintaining the best manifestations of our traditions and beliefs.

List of Governors

Chair: Mrs. Maria Hammersley

Vice Chair:   Mr. Tony Hannigan

Foundation Governors: Mr. Mick Kumwenda, Mr. Rob Manley, Mrs. Dilys Percival, Mr. Paul Quirk, Mr. Jon Rosser, Mrs. Sally Tansley & Mrs. Jane Wood.

Community Governors:  

Local Authority Governor: Mr. Sam Rowlands

Parent Governors: Mrs. Danielle Jones & Vacancy

Headteacher: Mrs. Leah Crimes

Teaching Governors: Mr. Sean Hughes & Mrs. Nia Roberts

Staff Governor: Mrs. Elizabeth Jones

Clerk to Governors: Mrs. Samantha Phillips

Message from Parent Governors

Dear Parents/Guardians,

As parent governors our role is to represent the views and opinions of the parents at St Brigid’s at the School Governing Body. For those of you who are not quite sure what the Governing Body does, it is supposed to be the group of people with the ultimate responsibility for the school. That means that any major changes in practice and direction has to be discussed and approved by the governing body. If you want to know what has been discussed recently have a look at the recent minutes by clicking on the minutes of the Governors Meeting below.

It is very important that parents are represented well and although we both clearly have our own opinions, we can only represent parents well, if we get feedback from them. So if you want us to address anything or have a question for us, please email us.

© 2024 St Brigid's School. 

Credits ©  S. Hughes @ St Brigid's School.

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